DazzleStar Menus

Basic operational functions are supplied in the menus. Certain menu items are disabled or altered based on context. For example, you can't "Close" a disassembly if none is open.

Open a submenu for dialogs to load a new program file for disassembly. This will discard any current disassembly. Submenus are:

->Binary (.COM)
Open a binary (e.g. COM) file. Allows override of ORG for file, enter hex value in box on right side of file dialog. The keyboard shortcut is Alt-F-N-B
->PRL File
Opens a PRL file, which contains relocation information used to construct the initial symbol table. Note that it will be necessary to run Disas->Rebuild Symtab (typically after identifying code sections) in order to create symbol entries for relative jumps (which do not appear in the relocation data). The keyboard shortcut is Alt-F-N-P
->SPR File
Opens an SPR file, which contains relocation information used to construct the initial symbol table. Some SPR files (e.g. BNKBIOS3.SPR) contain two program segments. Disas->Rebuild Symtab may be required, same as PRL files. The keyboard shortcut is Alt-F-N-S
->REL File
Opens a REL file, which contains a lot of information that is used to construct the initial symbol table. Note, this version combines all related segment snippets into a single segment, and thus does not reconstruct the original ASM file's interspersing of CSEG, DSEG, etc. This is done to keep the user interface simpler. Also, ASEG data is not loaded - if there was any contents (symbols are still constructed). This is similar to the handling of ASEG in LINK. Disas->Rebuild Symtab may be required, same as PRL files. The keyboard shortcut is Alt-F-N-R
->HEX File
Opens an Intel HEX file, as used by CP/M and produced by ASM.COM and MAC.COM (as well as other assemblers/compilers). The bounds of the program are taken from the minimum and maximum addresses referenced in the HEX data. The keyboard shortcut is Alt-F-N-H

This will discard any currently disassembly, effectively "closing" it.
File->Generate ASM
Generates an ASM file for the current disassembly. file is generated in the same folder as the COM file.
File->Generate PRN
Generates a PRN (listing) file for the current disassembly. file is generated in the same folder as the COM file.
Open a submenu for dialogs to save current progress. Submenus are:
->Save DZ
Generates a .DZ file for the current disassembly. file is generated in the same folder as the COM file. The keyboard shortcut is Alt-F-S-D
->Save Hints
Save current hints to file (.DZH), overwriting any previous contents. If no hints exist, pops up a warning and does nothing. The keyboard shortcut is Alt-F-S-H
->Save Scan
Save current code-scanner results (.DZS), overwriting any previous contents. If no scanner data exist, pops up a warning and does nothing. The keyboard shortcut is Alt-F-S-S
Open a submenu for dialogs to load additional data. Submenus are:
->Load DZ
Open a dialog to loads a DZ file for the current disassembly. This replaces any existing breaks or symbols, effectively discarding those. This does not affect the folder used to generate output files. The keyboard shortcut is Alt-F-L-D
->Load Hints
Load code-scanner hints. See Hint Syntax. The keyboard shortcut is Alt-F-L-H
->Load Scan
Load code-scanner results. The keyboard shortcut is Alt-F-L-S
Discards any current disassembly and exits the program.

Disas->Scan from here
(Re)Start auto-code scan from current location. Note, the keyboard shortcut for this is Alt-D-S
Disas->Scan Hints
Code scan all entry points from hints. Only enabled if some exist.
Disas->Reset scan
Clear all code scan progress markers. Used to start over fresh.
Disas->Apply Hint
Enter and apply a single hint. Typically only useful for declaring inline function params. The single hint will be added to the hints table, and the current code will be scanned and calls to the function will have breaks added for the inline parameters. Note that calls which are hidden by previous mis-aligned breaks will not be fixed. See Hint Syntax.
Disas->Rebuild Symtab
Discards any current symbols and rescans code according to current breaks, building a new symbol table. Note, the keyboard shortcut for this is Alt-D-B
Disas->Show Stats
Compute various statistics on current disassembly, display in pop-up. The keyboard shortcut is Alt-D-T
Disas->Use {MAC80|Zilog}
Change mnemonics used for disassembly of code. Menu reflects the opposite of the current mnemonics, i.e. what the mnemonics will be changed to. Note, the keyboard shortcut for this is Alt-D-U

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